Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So what's with the orb?

I was talking to my son on the phone the other night when he relayed a story about one of his new "interesting" friends in Arizona. T.J. apparently has a floating orb that visits him at night. The orb is not friendly, nor is it aggressive. He simply stated that this orb floats slowly into his room from the window (which is closed) and hovers for a few seconds before it leaves. He was quick to specify that he has no emotional connection to the orb, and that he is fairly positive it is not the embodiment of one of his numerous dead relatives.

Michael and I went on to have a lengthy discussion about the fact that he was disturbed that the kid had no emotional connection to this banal orb..we discussed numerous possible explanations for the symbolism of the orb. Without further information we were at a loss. Then it occurred to me:

I want an orb! As an Omnist, I am open to new and different experiences and I feel if anyone on this planet should have an orb it would be an Omnist. To be perfectly clear, I do not believe in life after death, do not believe in supernatural otherworldly beings, but DAMMIT I WANT AN ORB!

So I've taken the liberty to begin compiling what I feel should be essential orb ownership information..

The pamphlet entitled "So You Think You Want An Orb" begins with "Is An Orb Right For You?"


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